Examining the things that weigh us down
and get in the way of working well.

Examining the things that weigh us down and get in the way of working well.

Subscribe to our weekly newsletter for thought-provoking ideas and resources to redefine wellness at work.

Each issue includes

Something to make you think

Curated pieces and thoughtful ideas on what impacts our ability to be well and work well.

Something to
inspire action

Actionable tools and reflection activities to unlearn habits and beliefs that weigh us down

Something to help
you feel lighter

Science backed ideas and fun content to add a bit of levity and ease to your week

Subscribe to LightWork

Winning at work shouldn’t come at the expense of your well-being.

 Join a community of professionals who desire work that centers being well in pursuit of doing well.



LightWork’s mission is to help professionals and organizations reflect and re-examine the way we engage with work. We publish a newsletter, examine future of work trends and create content to unpack what it takes to be well in pursuit of doing well.

LightWork is led by Chivon John, a Workplace Wellbeing Specialist and Mental Health Advocate. She currently works in tech as a Global Wellness Lead and has been featured as an expert in industry research on workplace mental health trends and is a regular speaker on topics including burnout, workplace wellbeing, and BIPOC mental health. 

Examining the things that weigh us down and get in the way of working well.

Subscribe to our weekly newsletter for thought-provoking ideas and resources to redefine wellness at work.